Catch mistakes before they hurt performance in the field.
See exactly what your reps know (and what they don’t).
Trigger “Aha Moments” for reps that inspire them to learn and grow.
Catch mistakes before they hurt performance in the field.
See exactly what your reps know (and what they don’t).
Trigger “Aha Moments” for reps that inspire them to learn and grow.
Make it easy for reps to master large volumes of detailed scientific information.
Prepare reps for hallway conversations with healthcare providers, so that they communicate clearly, accurately, and confidently.
See how Novartis broke product launch records with Learn to Win
See how Novartis broke product launch records with Learn to Win
Don’t let your training get stale.
Quickly spin up fresh lessons on new label expansions, recent objections, and competitive intel.
Respond to knowledge gaps and competitor moves without pulling your reps out of the field.
Don’t let your training get stale.
Quickly spin up fresh lessons on new indications, recent objections, and competitive intel.
Respond to knowledge gaps and competitor moves without pulling your reps out of the field.
Don’t waste time covering topics your people already know.
Use data to understand where your team is struggling, so you know exactly where to focus precious meeting time.
How Regeneron trained its sales team like Super Bowl Champions
How Regeneron trained its sales team like Super Bowl Champions
Today’s reps are different. Keep them engaged with training designed for the Instagram generation.
Deliver microlearning directly to the device reps always have with them.
Mix and match any kind of media to make learning effective and fun.
Today’s reps are different. Keep them engaged with training designed for the Instagram generation.
Deliver microlearning directly to the device reps always have with them.
Mix and match any kind of media to make learning effective and fun.
80% of licensed training content is never used. Why? Because in a dynamic sales environment, generic content gets stale fast. Reps zone out because the training covers material they already know and doesn’t touch on what they need to win deals. Your reps already understand the basics of how to sell – otherwise you wouldn’t have hired them!
But have they mastered the Mechanism of Action (MOA) of your specific drug? Do they understand your competitors’ latest moves and know how best to counter them? Are they primed to respond to doctors’ most detailed and challenging questions about the latest clinical study?
This is the Last Mile of sales training. It’s the critical operational knowledge that drives over 80% of rep performance. It’s unique to your organization and can’t be bought off-the-shelf. And it’s the difference between ordinary and top-performing sales teams.
Schedule a free demo with our team – we’ll walk through how our platform works, and answer any questions you might have. | (909) 414 1295
805 Veterans Blvd. Suite 228
Redwood City, CA 94063
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